Round 2 12WBT

Round 2 12WBT
Michelle Bridges 12 WBT Round 2 2nd Place Winner. Before (May 21st 2001 - 108.9kg) and After (August 10th 2011 - 86.5kg)

Sunday, 12 February 2012

Round 1, 2012 12WBT Pre-Season Task 3 - My Goals!

Goals goals goals!! So what do I want to achieve this round??

I have been pondering this for a few days, as I have been unsure which program to follow this time round. I had been thinking I might like to try the Lean & Strong round, but have come to the conclusion that there is a bit of mid-section flabbiness that I would really like to work off first - you know the usual spots us ladies have trouble with, the tummy/hips/thigh region. Also, I have really only just started doing some running on a regular basis in the last month, I want to see how I go with that for a while longer, as I hope to increase my cardio fitness, reduce my run times, and get an improved, more efficient technique happening. So, it is Lean & Fit again for me, and I am going to push myself to the advanced level. I am not quite in the advanced level for my push ups etc, but the rest is fine.

So, my main goals for the next 3 months are as follows:

* Get to my goal weight, which I think will be somewhere around 62-65kg. 2 rounds ago I had the long term 'goal' of 70kg, thinking it would take years to get there. I am currently at 68kg, and although I would be happy to not lose any more from my face/neck/chest area, I know we can't be picky like that, so if I am aiming to reduce more tummy etc, I have to continue to work out as I have been.

* Continue with the weekly running events I do, in particular Park Run which is a free 5km run in New Farm every Sunday morning. I have only done this a few times, and my current best time is just over 38minutes. By the end of the next 12 weeks, I would like to have this time consistently under 35 minutes, and then begin to work towards 30mins.

Out of interest, Park Run is a free event done in many capital cities and towns over Australia. You get an official time at the end and can check your results on the website which are usually posted the same day! See

* Compete in another triathlon enticer event. I recently did my first one, which was great fun, and I would love to do some more!! I am aiming for the Gold Coast entiver in April, which is a larger distance on all 3 legs than the one I did last weekend at Caloundra!

                                             *Me approaching the finish line at Caloundra!*

Here is the link to the next enticer event:

* Start using the weights machines at the gym to get more toned and get some more definition happening - in particular in my arms.

What goals do you have set for yourself for this round? Looking back on my first round, I can tell I was nervous and unsure the I would succeed. I set good goals, but what I set were small goals. I suppose, so that I could be sure I would achieve them. I look forward to setting myself a big challenge now, as it gives me something to really work hard for over each 12 weeks. For me this round, running is definitely going to be that thing!! Who knows, I might become a regular Forest Gump and just keep on running!!

Saturday, 11 February 2012

Round 1, 2012 12WBT Pre-Season Task 2 - My Excuses!!

After 2 rounds of 12wbt and over 40kg lost, it is interesting to analyse the excuses that I still have going on inside my head. Basically, I still don't love exercise, and I would probably love a good sleep in from time to time rather than busting my butt at whatever training session I have on that day, HOWEVER I know that doing those things isn't going to get me any closer to my goals, and that is why I choose to get up early and eat clean. So basically, these excuses aren't there everyday, but I know that some of these babies might try and re-surface when I least expect it! These are the main ones I can think of for now, but should any new ones decide to reveal themselves over the next 12 weeks, I will certainly let you know!!

My Internal Excuses & Solutions:

* I'm so sore, I should just rest today
-  Have a hot bath after a big session, stretch and know that doing some more training will keep everything loosened up.

* I can't go at 100% right now, as I need to be able to finish the session
- Aim to get a bit faster or go a bit harder - lift a bit heavier - each session. That way I might not be going as fast/hard/strong as a champion athlete just yet, but I am building towards it. Also trust that I can complete the sessions, and if I really get stuck, I have my phone with me anyway!

* I couldn't be bothered with it, I'll just have takeaway
- Pre-plan meals and do big freezer cook-ups so I can have something ready to go at all times - very handy for if I am unexpectedly getting home late.

* I have worked out hard today so this one little snack won't matter  
- Remind myself of what it will take to burn off that one little treat, remind myself of how much I still dislike running and working out, that I will have to do even more in order to have not wasted my previous workout

* I have worked out hard today, so I can sleep in tomorrow and skip training
- Remind myself that in order to achieve my goals I still need to be working out hard every day. Skipping a day makes it harder to pick up the day after. Working out hard in Round 1 is what got me the results I wanted, so if I want to keep that up, I need to keep up the same level of frequency, intensity and momentum.

External Excuses Within My Control & Solutions:

* My feet hurt 
- Go to shoe store, and check that my current workout shoes are still in good condition and don't need replacing

* It's too hot/cold/rainy 
- Invest in a good sun protective cap and lots of sunscreen for outdoor training. I also have Michelle's dvds so I can still do an inside workout if the weather is too unbearable/miserable

* It's not my day with the car - I can't get to the gym as there is no bus that gets me there early enough for my class

- Walk to the gym, or do a different workout to normal - mixing it up keeps it interesting!!

External Excuses Outside Of My Control & Solutions:

* Car breaks down - can't get to gym
 - Use public transport, or walk

* Gym is closed for public holiday
- Do an outside training session or one of Michelle's dvd workouts

* Get held up at work - I'm going to miss a meal/have to have takeaway

- Have an excess supply of snacks and frozen meals at work. Also fammiliarise myself with some 'good' takeaway options if I am really desperate - eg a subway wrao or salad (no cheese or sauce of course, and something from their healthier range - ham, salad, or turkey)

Have you looked at what excuses might be holding you back from achieving your goals? What solutions can you come up with to combat those excuses??