Hi all,
Well I must firstly make a MASSIVE apology! After promoting this blog on various facebook posts and 12WBT forums, I have been massively MIA since the start of this round.
There is much to catch up on, including running (yes, I ran the whole way) the 10km Bridge To Brisbane fun run, starting Sunday morning group training sessions - and a double every fortnight!!, trying to overcome many extra work hours that severely cut into my training times, and finishing organising my wedding, which is coming up in 3 weeks!!! Eeeeeek! It has been a very busy time indeed, adn sometimes I have felt I wasn't giving the commitment I promised to 12WBT.
In spite of it all though, I have kept my nutrition clean and trained as often as I could, but I have missed some of Mish's videos, & had NO time at all for this blog, or the forums. In fact, right now, I am in between getting the groceries out of the car, and putting out a load of washing that has just finished!!
I just want to let anyone who might be reading this blog know, that I am still here, and am now down to a loss of 33.4kg since the start of Round 2. I am at about an 8kg loss so far for this round, which is a slower pace than last round, but I suppose I don't have as much to lose this time round, so the numbers won't be as large!! I currently sit at 75.5kg, and my 'goal' that I had in mind was 70kg, so not far to go now.
Anyway, I will hopefully be back over the next few weeks more frequently to update you on more of what has been happening over the last 6 weeks, and to share some goals etc for the remaining 6 weeks!
Now......off the the groceries and washing...........
Round 2 12WBT

Michelle Bridges 12 WBT Round 2 2nd Place Winner. Before (May 21st 2001 - 108.9kg) and After (August 10th 2011 - 86.5kg)
Thursday, 20 October 2011
Friday, 16 September 2011
The Courage To Start Round 3 Bloggers' Challenge!!
Well hi everyone!! I set up this blog site last round of 12WBT, but didn't really get to work on it all that much. I really hope to write a lot more this round, but so far, haven't really got there. I have start of round blogs to write, and I still have a blog to write about my experience in my first every fun run from last weekend. However......joining this blogging challenge will make sure I get on here at least once a week, so until I can get the posts done I want to for myself, I am happy to know I have committed to this challenge! Thankyou to the wonderful Kath for getting this challenge up and running, and it's fantastic to see so many have joined in.
Anyway.....to the task at hand.....
1. Describe yourself in 25 words or less. You can get straight to the point - or bring your creativity into play.
I am a singer and retailer from Brisbane, newly getting into the fitness thing, loving the results so far and excited for Round 3!
2. What brings you to 12wbt? Getting fitter? Losing weight? (Gaining weight??) Are you first timer, a repeat offender??
This is my second round of 12WBT. I did the last round, and lost quite a substantial amount of weight (22.4kg!!), however I still have more to go. Currenty at last weigh in was sitting at 81.7kg, and would like to get down to 70kg by the end of this round. While the weight-loss and looking slimmer is a visual bonue, my main reason for finally starting something was for my health. I am petrified of death, and knowing that heart disease is common for the men in my family line, I was always scared of the thought of having a heart attack. At least now, as I am not a drinker or smoker, combined with my newly improved health and fitness, if something happens, I can't say I didn't try to live as healthy a life as possible for myself.
This round I also want to continue to improve my fitness, tone up the arms more, lose more 'jiggly bits' off my tumm yand hip/thigh area, I would like to get better at running and improve my stamina.
3. Why do you blog??
When I started my blog, it wasn't 'for' anyone in particular. It was actually more for me, so I could look back and see how far I had come, and what I could achieve. Kind of a way to record things, but with video and photos to accompany experiences I had had during my weight loss process, during the return to me!! (Hence the name - Return Of The Mackie). I don't have many followers, but I like to share my blog posts by linking it on facebook or on the 12WBT forum sites. I want people to know - and in particular the newer members - what can be achieved if you really work hard. Especially for the ladies (& gents) that started over 100kg like I did, that you can get your body moving, and really have results that blow your mind! The fact that I have had emails and messages from people stating that, and that I have inspired/encouraged them to keep going makes me want to write more!
4. Who is your biggest inspiration in life and why (doesn't have to be weight loss)
I am constantly inspired by fellow 12WBTers - their amazing transformations, and their commitment to creating their most spectacular lives possible. Whether it's a participants who has done lots of rounds and are at their goal weights and now doing the lean and strong round, or someone just starting out, who has managed to walk around their block for the first time in a long time. I am inspired by the whole program and especially Michelle Bridges for the wonderful program she has created and the empowering way she speaks and teaches us all about the choices we make, and how to live a better life.
5. What things in life bring you the most joy?
My partner Leonie, my friends and family, my band members and performing in my band, my cats, the sound of laughter, the smell of rain and a day off with no housework to do, to relax and maybe read a book (very few and far between those days!!)
6.What do you think your greatest challenge is going to be this round?
I think for me this round, I am really going to step up the intensity of my workouts, I need to really get a sweat happening. I need hardio cardio workouts, and to push myself to that uncomfortable place to get the most out of my time.
7. What are you most excited about 12wbt?
To see the results for myself and everyone else after all our hard work over the next 3 months. The look on people's faces when they have started losing weight is exciting. There is a sparkle in their eyes, that despite the early morning workouts and sore muscles etc, they are feeling proud of themselves, sometimes for the first time in a long time!! Also I hope to meet lots more new friends this round!
8. And what scares the pants off you?
The thought of the increased intensity level I know I need to work at to get to my goal!! Also the thought of my wedding part way through this round, and being out of my normal routine for about a week!! Will be doing lots of planning for that soon though to ensure I stay right on track!
9. Tell me - right now - today - how do you feel about exercise in no more than 10 words
I get it done, but don't love it - yet.
10. Complete this sentence - in 12 weeks time - on the last day of 12wbt I am going to be feeling
like I left nothing in the tank, I gave it my all, and that I am proud of my achievements and couldn't have done any better!
Thanks everyone for reading! And thanks again to Kath for the great challenge. I can't wait to see what the next week's topic is! Looking forward to a night at home tonight so I can read everyone else's introductions!
Kate xxx
Anyway.....to the task at hand.....
1. Describe yourself in 25 words or less. You can get straight to the point - or bring your creativity into play.
I am a singer and retailer from Brisbane, newly getting into the fitness thing, loving the results so far and excited for Round 3!
2. What brings you to 12wbt? Getting fitter? Losing weight? (Gaining weight??) Are you first timer, a repeat offender??
This is my second round of 12WBT. I did the last round, and lost quite a substantial amount of weight (22.4kg!!), however I still have more to go. Currenty at last weigh in was sitting at 81.7kg, and would like to get down to 70kg by the end of this round. While the weight-loss and looking slimmer is a visual bonue, my main reason for finally starting something was for my health. I am petrified of death, and knowing that heart disease is common for the men in my family line, I was always scared of the thought of having a heart attack. At least now, as I am not a drinker or smoker, combined with my newly improved health and fitness, if something happens, I can't say I didn't try to live as healthy a life as possible for myself.
This round I also want to continue to improve my fitness, tone up the arms more, lose more 'jiggly bits' off my tumm yand hip/thigh area, I would like to get better at running and improve my stamina.
3. Why do you blog??
When I started my blog, it wasn't 'for' anyone in particular. It was actually more for me, so I could look back and see how far I had come, and what I could achieve. Kind of a way to record things, but with video and photos to accompany experiences I had had during my weight loss process, during the return to me!! (Hence the name - Return Of The Mackie). I don't have many followers, but I like to share my blog posts by linking it on facebook or on the 12WBT forum sites. I want people to know - and in particular the newer members - what can be achieved if you really work hard. Especially for the ladies (& gents) that started over 100kg like I did, that you can get your body moving, and really have results that blow your mind! The fact that I have had emails and messages from people stating that, and that I have inspired/encouraged them to keep going makes me want to write more!
4. Who is your biggest inspiration in life and why (doesn't have to be weight loss)
I am constantly inspired by fellow 12WBTers - their amazing transformations, and their commitment to creating their most spectacular lives possible. Whether it's a participants who has done lots of rounds and are at their goal weights and now doing the lean and strong round, or someone just starting out, who has managed to walk around their block for the first time in a long time. I am inspired by the whole program and especially Michelle Bridges for the wonderful program she has created and the empowering way she speaks and teaches us all about the choices we make, and how to live a better life.
5. What things in life bring you the most joy?
My partner Leonie, my friends and family, my band members and performing in my band, my cats, the sound of laughter, the smell of rain and a day off with no housework to do, to relax and maybe read a book (very few and far between those days!!)
6.What do you think your greatest challenge is going to be this round?
I think for me this round, I am really going to step up the intensity of my workouts, I need to really get a sweat happening. I need hardio cardio workouts, and to push myself to that uncomfortable place to get the most out of my time.
7. What are you most excited about 12wbt?
To see the results for myself and everyone else after all our hard work over the next 3 months. The look on people's faces when they have started losing weight is exciting. There is a sparkle in their eyes, that despite the early morning workouts and sore muscles etc, they are feeling proud of themselves, sometimes for the first time in a long time!! Also I hope to meet lots more new friends this round!
8. And what scares the pants off you?
The thought of the increased intensity level I know I need to work at to get to my goal!! Also the thought of my wedding part way through this round, and being out of my normal routine for about a week!! Will be doing lots of planning for that soon though to ensure I stay right on track!
9. Tell me - right now - today - how do you feel about exercise in no more than 10 words
I get it done, but don't love it - yet.
10. Complete this sentence - in 12 weeks time - on the last day of 12wbt I am going to be feeling
like I left nothing in the tank, I gave it my all, and that I am proud of my achievements and couldn't have done any better!
Thanks everyone for reading! And thanks again to Kath for the great challenge. I can't wait to see what the next week's topic is! Looking forward to a night at home tonight so I can read everyone else's introductions!
Kate xxx
Tuesday, 30 August 2011
12 Week Body Transformation - Wrap-Up of My First Round!
Well.......this post has been a long time coming, but finally I have time to sit down and write it.
So let's recap on where I started out at the beginning or Round 2 of Michelle Bridges' 12 Week Body Transformation, roughly now around 14-15 weeks ago.
I weighed in for my pre-season weight at 108.9kg - the heaviest I had EVER been, and yes, while I might be smiling in this 'before' photo, I knew then that I was not at all happy with how I looked, and I was worried about my health. I was especially also worried about my wedding coming up this November, and how I was going to look, if I was going to find a dress, and how much I would regret looking back on our rather pricey photographs years later and thinking ' what a waste of all that money, to be so unhappy with how I look'.
I had put off joining 12WBT in January, thinking 'I can do it myself', but 4 months later, I hadn't done anything, except maybe put on a few more kilos. In the last few days of registration for Round 2, I decided - 'this is it!'.
For me, once I had made that decision, and said out loud my commitment to Michelle, her program, and to my friends, family, and MYSELF, it was like a light was switched on. I had focus, determination, and I had a goal to work towards! I wanted to become the best version of myself possible!!! Yes there were days when I didn't feel like exercising, but I did it anyway, and I did it as hard as I could. I stuck to the nutrition plan, and didn't once stray from it. I found I had light bulb moments, where, when I said no to a piece of cake or chips, I realised I wasn't resisting saying no, I was actually fine with saying no. I had made the choice to be good to my body, as I want it to last me as long as possible.
About half way through the round, I started saying to myself that I was going to win the competition (which I had only just found out there were actually 'winners'). I didn't really expect to, but I started to think like a winner, and act like a winner. My whole life the hardest thing had always been getting the exercise done, so I just put my head into the place of an athlete every time I worked out, giving it my all, setting myself goals in my training sessions - eg just 5 more laps, or get to 15km, or 1000 cals burnt. This definintely got me through the sessions, and kept me getting up every morning when I was already feeling exhausted.
Week 10 arrived and I made this 3 minute video (which I have posted before) to show all that I had achieved up until that point in the round. Looking back, I still can't believe that this was the change in my lifestly after only 10 weeks!!!
With 2 weeks left of the round, I got really sick with the flu, and tried as much to keep up with my training. I eventually had to have about 4 days off, which really disappointed me as this was right in the last week of the round. It was such a weird feeling to be actually upset about not being able to do my workouts and exercise routine. It felt especially disappointing as rather than being able to really bring home the round strong, it almost fizzled out. I was really happy to still record a loss in Week 12, so I guess it really goes to show that the nutrition still plays a big part in losing weight.
Here is my Week 12 'after' photo!! Note the genuine smile! My finishing weight is 86.5kg - a whole 22.4kg less of me, and a loss of 54.5cm from off my body!!
In addition to the physical changes, I also took almost 2 minutes off my 1km running time trial, as well as increased other ares of my fitness test - my push ups, wall sit, flexibility - and generally feel fitter, less out of breath, and like I have more energy.
Here are my full comparison shots -
Later in the night, it was time for the awards and presentation. Mish first gave a speech - which I am sure was amazing, but unfortunately there were 4 or 5 REALLY drunk and loud people standing right near me, with their backs to the stage, and I found it really hard to concentrate on what was happening on stage :( Anyway, Michelle announced the winner of the magazine competition - Jo! She has had an amazing transformation, and looked fabulous!! For the regular 12WBT competition, Clinton was the 3rd place winner, and then when announcing the 2nd place winner, all the stats Michelle was reading out were mine - and next thing I knew, I was up on stage again!! 1st place, was the very deserving Mary (aka Splasharama!). Kerri was the winner of the Lean & Strong category - and she sure did look lean and strong! Everyone was very excited and happy, and after posing for some photos, the rest of the night was spent being congratulated and saying hi to lots more new friends from the forums etc. I would like to point out, that although I said I started thinking like a winner throughout the round, I most certainly did not do this for prizes, or status, or to 'win'. The prize to me is being healthier and stronger, and adding years onto my life. The other thing that I am most proud of, is that I have had some lovely emails and messages, from people heavier (and lighter) than my start weight, who are feeling a bit daunted about starting their journey, who have seen some inspiration in what I did, and are telling me they're feeling like they can achieve something for themselves too.
So, 12 weeks on and what have I learned......
I have learned that I am worthy of a healthy body, healthy mind and healthy future.
I have learned I can do more than I give myself credit for.
I have learned that I am strong.
So let's recap on where I started out at the beginning or Round 2 of Michelle Bridges' 12 Week Body Transformation, roughly now around 14-15 weeks ago.
I weighed in for my pre-season weight at 108.9kg - the heaviest I had EVER been, and yes, while I might be smiling in this 'before' photo, I knew then that I was not at all happy with how I looked, and I was worried about my health. I was especially also worried about my wedding coming up this November, and how I was going to look, if I was going to find a dress, and how much I would regret looking back on our rather pricey photographs years later and thinking ' what a waste of all that money, to be so unhappy with how I look'.
I had put off joining 12WBT in January, thinking 'I can do it myself', but 4 months later, I hadn't done anything, except maybe put on a few more kilos. In the last few days of registration for Round 2, I decided - 'this is it!'.
For me, once I had made that decision, and said out loud my commitment to Michelle, her program, and to my friends, family, and MYSELF, it was like a light was switched on. I had focus, determination, and I had a goal to work towards! I wanted to become the best version of myself possible!!! Yes there were days when I didn't feel like exercising, but I did it anyway, and I did it as hard as I could. I stuck to the nutrition plan, and didn't once stray from it. I found I had light bulb moments, where, when I said no to a piece of cake or chips, I realised I wasn't resisting saying no, I was actually fine with saying no. I had made the choice to be good to my body, as I want it to last me as long as possible.
About half way through the round, I started saying to myself that I was going to win the competition (which I had only just found out there were actually 'winners'). I didn't really expect to, but I started to think like a winner, and act like a winner. My whole life the hardest thing had always been getting the exercise done, so I just put my head into the place of an athlete every time I worked out, giving it my all, setting myself goals in my training sessions - eg just 5 more laps, or get to 15km, or 1000 cals burnt. This definintely got me through the sessions, and kept me getting up every morning when I was already feeling exhausted.
Week 10 arrived and I made this 3 minute video (which I have posted before) to show all that I had achieved up until that point in the round. Looking back, I still can't believe that this was the change in my lifestly after only 10 weeks!!!
With 2 weeks left of the round, I got really sick with the flu, and tried as much to keep up with my training. I eventually had to have about 4 days off, which really disappointed me as this was right in the last week of the round. It was such a weird feeling to be actually upset about not being able to do my workouts and exercise routine. It felt especially disappointing as rather than being able to really bring home the round strong, it almost fizzled out. I was really happy to still record a loss in Week 12, so I guess it really goes to show that the nutrition still plays a big part in losing weight.
Here is my Week 12 'after' photo!! Note the genuine smile! My finishing weight is 86.5kg - a whole 22.4kg less of me, and a loss of 54.5cm from off my body!!
In addition to the physical changes, I also took almost 2 minutes off my 1km running time trial, as well as increased other ares of my fitness test - my push ups, wall sit, flexibility - and generally feel fitter, less out of breath, and like I have more energy.
Here are my full comparison shots -
After all that hard work, there was one date we were all looking forward to - August 20th. This was the day for our massive group workout with Michelle and the party that night at The Hilton in the city. A chance to see everyone all dressed up and showing off their new bodies! Plus another opportunity to have a photograph with Michelle, and also have her give us one final mindset lesson for the round.
I decided to challenge myself in the training session and go in the Intermediate group. I am glad I did. It was a hard workout, but it felt very satisfying, and the time went so fast! Although everyone was sweaty, hot and sore, everyone had a smile on their face and I am sure could have gone longer if the opportunity was there!
I decided to challenge myself in the training session and go in the Intermediate group. I am glad I did. It was a hard workout, but it felt very satisfying, and the time went so fast! Although everyone was sweaty, hot and sore, everyone had a smile on their face and I am sure could have gone longer if the opportunity was there!
With some of the 12WBT QLD Crew!! |
Having fun doing push ups?!! |
Ski-Jumps with the Viper!! |
At the party, I got a big surprise when my parents were there, and the night got even more surprising a after that!! First they were on stage talking to Michelle's husband Billy about my changes in the 12 weeks, then I was on stage to talk about a big pivotal moment in the 12 weeks, where I discussed setting a big challenge for myself early on, and that I think that set me up for the round as I had proved to myself I could do anything after the 10k kayak challenge. This was after the fabulous Leanne - also from Brisbane - had been up to talk about her 12 week experience.
We were shown a fantastic video of the 12 weeks program, with heaps of video and photos sent in from fellow 12WBTers - it made me feel awesome just watching it, to see the changes everyone has made in their lives. I still get goosebumps watching it again today.
We were shown a fantastic video of the 12 weeks program, with heaps of video and photos sent in from fellow 12WBTers - it made me feel awesome just watching it, to see the changes everyone has made in their lives. I still get goosebumps watching it again today.
Later in the night, it was time for the awards and presentation. Mish first gave a speech - which I am sure was amazing, but unfortunately there were 4 or 5 REALLY drunk and loud people standing right near me, with their backs to the stage, and I found it really hard to concentrate on what was happening on stage :( Anyway, Michelle announced the winner of the magazine competition - Jo! She has had an amazing transformation, and looked fabulous!! For the regular 12WBT competition, Clinton was the 3rd place winner, and then when announcing the 2nd place winner, all the stats Michelle was reading out were mine - and next thing I knew, I was up on stage again!! 1st place, was the very deserving Mary (aka Splasharama!). Kerri was the winner of the Lean & Strong category - and she sure did look lean and strong! Everyone was very excited and happy, and after posing for some photos, the rest of the night was spent being congratulated and saying hi to lots more new friends from the forums etc. I would like to point out, that although I said I started thinking like a winner throughout the round, I most certainly did not do this for prizes, or status, or to 'win'. The prize to me is being healthier and stronger, and adding years onto my life. The other thing that I am most proud of, is that I have had some lovely emails and messages, from people heavier (and lighter) than my start weight, who are feeling a bit daunted about starting their journey, who have seen some inspiration in what I did, and are telling me they're feeling like they can achieve something for themselves too.
With my beautiful partner, Leonie, as we arrived at the party. |
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Mary, Kerri, Myself & Clinton |
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Michelle Bridges & Myself! |
Here is a wrap-up video of the night, made at 1.30 in the morning when I got home!! -
So, 12 weeks on and what have I learned......
I have learned that I am worthy of a healthy body, healthy mind and healthy future.
I have learned I can do more than I give myself credit for.
I have learned that I am strong.
I have learned that preparing and eating healthy, nutritious food is more rewarding than a quick fix from a takeaway store.
I have learned not to give in to my weak inner teenager.
I have learned that life isn't meant to be easy, but that persistance and determination makes it much more rewarding.
I have learned that I am becoming a better version of myself every single day.
I have learned not to give in to my weak inner teenager.
I have learned that life isn't meant to be easy, but that persistance and determination makes it much more rewarding.
I have learned that I am becoming a better version of myself every single day.
I am ready to SMASH Round 3 now. Round 2 is gone. It is a clean slate. In 2 weeks I will take a new set of 'before' photos, my measurements, re-do my fitness test, and start Week 1, Day 1, with thousands of other people across Australia and the world, wondering what my results will be. I have between 16-20 kilos to lose, as I am still deciding what my final goal weight will be. I have set myself new goals for this round, and in the middle of it all, I have my wedding!!
Good luck with all your health and weight loss goals, be it on the 12WBT or something you are doing on your own. I can't wait to share with you (a lot more regularly) the next chapter in my journey to a better me!
Good luck with all your health and weight loss goals, be it on the 12WBT or something you are doing on your own. I can't wait to share with you (a lot more regularly) the next chapter in my journey to a better me!
Thursday, 25 August 2011
Sorry, I've been M.I.A - New Posts Including Wrap-Up of 12WBT Round 2 Soon!!!
Hi everyone!
I have been quite absent from my little blog the last month. It started as my new little baby during my first round of Michelle Bridges' 12 Week Body Transformation. Unfortunately, as I was spending most of my free time exercising, combined with the fact that I like things to be done well, I didn't want to blog things in a rushed, halfed-ar*ed way!!
Anyway, Round 2 wrapped up last week, and after my very surprising results (more to come on that soon), I have been even busier, and I want to re-design this blog and blog more often! I want to share it with everyone I can, and spread the word of the wonderful program that is the 12 Week Body Transformation!!
So....stay tuned, and there will be some exciting posts over the next few days!
Kate xxx
I have been quite absent from my little blog the last month. It started as my new little baby during my first round of Michelle Bridges' 12 Week Body Transformation. Unfortunately, as I was spending most of my free time exercising, combined with the fact that I like things to be done well, I didn't want to blog things in a rushed, halfed-ar*ed way!!
Anyway, Round 2 wrapped up last week, and after my very surprising results (more to come on that soon), I have been even busier, and I want to re-design this blog and blog more often! I want to share it with everyone I can, and spread the word of the wonderful program that is the 12 Week Body Transformation!!
So....stay tuned, and there will be some exciting posts over the next few days!
Kate xxx
Saturday, 30 July 2011
Yes yes.....check out fat old me in my underwear! That's right - the OLD me!!
Hi everyone!!
This was a week to challenge one of my most hated things - technology!! Michelle set us a challenge to either write a 300 word response, or create a 3min video blog as to how (with help of 12WBT) we are making our lives more extraordinary. It was due at 6pm today, and at 5.35 I got mine loaded onto the forum site. Well better late than never hey? I had a day off sick yesterday and it took me half the day just to get the knack of how to edit a video!! Got up this morning to finish the last few bits before work, when the program crashed and all appeared to be lost!! Needless to say, as I am still sick and over tired there was an immediate bursting into tears!!
Thankfully my partner managed to retrieve it today from goodness knows where, and now that I am home from work, I am able to share it with you all.
It’s funny, I wouldn’t have wanted to share my ‘before photos’ with anyone, let alone my dreaded ‘number’, but I just simply don’t care anymore. That’s the old me!! And looking at those photos only makes me stronger, and pushes me to work harder, as I know where I’ve come from - and NEVER plan on returning there again!!
12WBT has given me determination, strength, self belief and a feeling of self worth, that I can achieve whatever I set out to do, and that no-one, most of all myself, can’t tell be that I can’t!! Because I’ve proven to myself I can.
I am living a healthier, more honest life. And aside from any other rewards - buying smaller clothes, getting compliments etc - that is what is what is most important to me.
I hope you enjoy my video, and now that I’m home from work, I can’t wait to sit back and watch lots of everyone else’s tonight!!
Check out me in my undies here:
This was a week to challenge one of my most hated things - technology!! Michelle set us a challenge to either write a 300 word response, or create a 3min video blog as to how (with help of 12WBT) we are making our lives more extraordinary. It was due at 6pm today, and at 5.35 I got mine loaded onto the forum site. Well better late than never hey? I had a day off sick yesterday and it took me half the day just to get the knack of how to edit a video!! Got up this morning to finish the last few bits before work, when the program crashed and all appeared to be lost!! Needless to say, as I am still sick and over tired there was an immediate bursting into tears!!
Thankfully my partner managed to retrieve it today from goodness knows where, and now that I am home from work, I am able to share it with you all.
It’s funny, I wouldn’t have wanted to share my ‘before photos’ with anyone, let alone my dreaded ‘number’, but I just simply don’t care anymore. That’s the old me!! And looking at those photos only makes me stronger, and pushes me to work harder, as I know where I’ve come from - and NEVER plan on returning there again!!
12WBT has given me determination, strength, self belief and a feeling of self worth, that I can achieve whatever I set out to do, and that no-one, most of all myself, can’t tell be that I can’t!! Because I’ve proven to myself I can.
I am living a healthier, more honest life. And aside from any other rewards - buying smaller clothes, getting compliments etc - that is what is what is most important to me.
I hope you enjoy my video, and now that I’m home from work, I can’t wait to sit back and watch lots of everyone else’s tonight!!
Check out me in my undies here:
Friday, 22 July 2011
Time to Watch The Clock or The Love of An Inanimate Object Part 2
The postal delivery van......... faces peer excitedly through windows, front doors open, hushed whispers turn into excited gushing as everyone wonders if they will be the recipient of the parcel about to appear from behind the sliding door of the courier truck....
This was me today! Not waiting on a book or dvd purchase, a snazzy piece of new clothing or a secret gift from a family member. Nope, today I was like a giggling school girl over a Heart Rate Monitor! Haha! That is something I would never have expected myself to say.
Back at the start of the 12WBT, I looked into purchasing one of the fancy HRM from Polar. http://www.polaraustralia.com.au/au-en In addition to tracking how hard I would be working out through the heart rate reader, I was mostly interested in the fact that it can count calories worked off. The exercise bike I am using does tell me this, but as for the gym classes, I have no idea!!
It wasn't really in the budget, and for the last 2 months I have hoped every week that I might win one in the various competitions and live chats. Unfortunately this was not to be, and so on Tuesday afternoon I decided to just buy one.
Of course, I ummed and aahhed for a good half hour over the colour choice, and eventually chose the FT7 in black with silver accent. I had been put off that one at first as one website was calling it a Men's model. I figured though I wear my Dad's watch, so how big could this be? I would like to wear my HRM to work to get a rough idea of how many cals all that walking around the store actually burns off every day, and I thought this colour option would best suit my uniform, so bit the bullet, and that's the one I ordered.
This morning I did my biggest workout to date, and the whole time I was thinking 'if only I had my Polar HRM'. Of course, 10 minutes after I got home, a delivery van drove slowly up my street. My face uncontrollably broke into a grin and I am sure that to no-one in particular I exclaimed with glee 'it's here!!!'
I am reminded of my best friend's blog post over at SaveMum'Sanity about her love for a beautiful antique sideboard. How she couldn't stop looking at it in all it's glory.
(check it out here at: http://savemumsanity.com/2011/06/20/inanimate-object-of-desire/ )
I have realised I am doing the same, and despite the agony I am currently in after this morning's workout, I can't wait to get out tomorrow and see what calorie killing I can do!!
The parcel arrives!!
Tui is interested in what's inside.
The contents - lots of instructions!!
All set up and ready to go - pity it was just after a 3hr+ workout. There's always tomorrow though!
This was me today! Not waiting on a book or dvd purchase, a snazzy piece of new clothing or a secret gift from a family member. Nope, today I was like a giggling school girl over a Heart Rate Monitor! Haha! That is something I would never have expected myself to say.
Back at the start of the 12WBT, I looked into purchasing one of the fancy HRM from Polar. http://www.polaraustralia.com.au/au-en In addition to tracking how hard I would be working out through the heart rate reader, I was mostly interested in the fact that it can count calories worked off. The exercise bike I am using does tell me this, but as for the gym classes, I have no idea!!
It wasn't really in the budget, and for the last 2 months I have hoped every week that I might win one in the various competitions and live chats. Unfortunately this was not to be, and so on Tuesday afternoon I decided to just buy one.
Of course, I ummed and aahhed for a good half hour over the colour choice, and eventually chose the FT7 in black with silver accent. I had been put off that one at first as one website was calling it a Men's model. I figured though I wear my Dad's watch, so how big could this be? I would like to wear my HRM to work to get a rough idea of how many cals all that walking around the store actually burns off every day, and I thought this colour option would best suit my uniform, so bit the bullet, and that's the one I ordered.
This morning I did my biggest workout to date, and the whole time I was thinking 'if only I had my Polar HRM'. Of course, 10 minutes after I got home, a delivery van drove slowly up my street. My face uncontrollably broke into a grin and I am sure that to no-one in particular I exclaimed with glee 'it's here!!!'
I am reminded of my best friend's blog post over at SaveMum'Sanity about her love for a beautiful antique sideboard. How she couldn't stop looking at it in all it's glory.
(check it out here at: http://savemumsanity.com/2011/06/20/inanimate-object-of-desire/ )
I have realised I am doing the same, and despite the agony I am currently in after this morning's workout, I can't wait to get out tomorrow and see what calorie killing I can do!!
The parcel arrives!!
Tui is interested in what's inside.
The contents - lots of instructions!!
All set up and ready to go - pity it was just after a 3hr+ workout. There's always tomorrow though!
Tuesday, 19 July 2011
Every Day I'm Shufflin'
Well......every second or third day!
Hi again! It has been a while between posts - about a week and a half actually. Things have been really busy with work, travelling for work, and fitting in training sessions whenever, and WHEREVER I can.
I have been keeping up my exercise bike sessions at home, and also Body Pump class twice a week, kickboxing on a Wednesday night and Body Balance once a fortnight (the class times for that class unfortunately do NOT work with my schedule!)
3 weeks ago though, I started something I never thought I would want to do - run. Ugh. Just the thought of it makes me shudder. Ok, maybe not so much anymore, but it still not my best friend.
In the past I have had my attemps to run described many ways.
#1 - the chicken run - short legs and arms bent at elbows like wings, flapping around as I make my way accross the road.
#2 - the nana run - stooped over back and awkward limp like movements. Quick! Someone hand this woman a walking frame.
#3 - the shuffle - this is the style I am still working with. Feet don't come too far off the ground, arms swinging side by side, and generally getting along ok, albeit at a fairly slow pace.
Inspired by my wonderful friend SpeedyReidy: http://speedyreidyrunning.blogspot.com/2011/07/asics-10km-training-its-about-time.html and her return to running, starting with a run through London last weekend; I decided to start a running program. To learn to run well. Mish keeps saying running is the best way to lose weight, so why not give it a proper go I say! The one I chose (after a successful recommendation from a friend) was Couch25K: http://www.c25k.com/ Just make sure if you look at it, you convert from the miles to kilometers.
My first session was a cool Brissie morning. I hadn't got the podcasts onto my ipod yet, so instead of following the instructional audio track, I was planning following the interval times for running and walking on the stopwatch on my mobile.
New adidas running shoes laced and ready to go, I set off!
24 minutes later, including 1 x 5min warm up and a succession of 60seconds running, and 90seconds continuously, I approached my final 90seconds running:
I will surely continue to update you on my running training as it progresses. 3 weeks in and it is going well. I was really stoked when this week I managed to run 1km without stopping on the treadmill at the gym. I didn't feel too fatigued, but had to stop as my gym class was about to start - shall see if I can increase this next week.
Till then, I shall keep shufflin'.
Hi again! It has been a while between posts - about a week and a half actually. Things have been really busy with work, travelling for work, and fitting in training sessions whenever, and WHEREVER I can.
I have been keeping up my exercise bike sessions at home, and also Body Pump class twice a week, kickboxing on a Wednesday night and Body Balance once a fortnight (the class times for that class unfortunately do NOT work with my schedule!)
3 weeks ago though, I started something I never thought I would want to do - run. Ugh. Just the thought of it makes me shudder. Ok, maybe not so much anymore, but it still not my best friend.
In the past I have had my attemps to run described many ways.
#1 - the chicken run - short legs and arms bent at elbows like wings, flapping around as I make my way accross the road.
#2 - the nana run - stooped over back and awkward limp like movements. Quick! Someone hand this woman a walking frame.
#3 - the shuffle - this is the style I am still working with. Feet don't come too far off the ground, arms swinging side by side, and generally getting along ok, albeit at a fairly slow pace.
Inspired by my wonderful friend SpeedyReidy: http://speedyreidyrunning.blogspot.com/2011/07/asics-10km-training-its-about-time.html and her return to running, starting with a run through London last weekend; I decided to start a running program. To learn to run well. Mish keeps saying running is the best way to lose weight, so why not give it a proper go I say! The one I chose (after a successful recommendation from a friend) was Couch25K: http://www.c25k.com/ Just make sure if you look at it, you convert from the miles to kilometers.
My first session was a cool Brissie morning. I hadn't got the podcasts onto my ipod yet, so instead of following the instructional audio track, I was planning following the interval times for running and walking on the stopwatch on my mobile.
New adidas running shoes laced and ready to go, I set off!
24 minutes later, including 1 x 5min warm up and a succession of 60seconds running, and 90seconds continuously, I approached my final 90seconds running:
I will surely continue to update you on my running training as it progresses. 3 weeks in and it is going well. I was really stoked when this week I managed to run 1km without stopping on the treadmill at the gym. I didn't feel too fatigued, but had to stop as my gym class was about to start - shall see if I can increase this next week.
Till then, I shall keep shufflin'.
Friday, 8 July 2011
Saturday Shout-out!!
Hi all, sorry for the lack of posts of late. Between swimming, running, biking, boxing and body-pumping, PLUS the regular day job the odd gig, I don't know where this week and a half has gone.
Anyway, today I want to send a shout out to a great guy who I know as TynoMite. A friend of a friend, I have been following his facebook training updates, twitter and blog for a while now as he has been getting into the world of triathalon events. This weekend he is in Germany for what has been described as the World's Biggest Triathalon event - Challenge Roth http://www.challenge-roth.com/en/ I don't even know how many kilometres of cycling/swimming/running it is, but I am quite sure it is a MAMMOTH event.
Check out Tyno's blog here http://tynogoals.blogspot.com/ and you can also follow his updates on twitter at TynoMitey
Can't wait to hear your results Tyno! What an inspiration you are to a total beginner like me!!
Anyway, today I want to send a shout out to a great guy who I know as TynoMite. A friend of a friend, I have been following his facebook training updates, twitter and blog for a while now as he has been getting into the world of triathalon events. This weekend he is in Germany for what has been described as the World's Biggest Triathalon event - Challenge Roth http://www.challenge-roth.com/en/ I don't even know how many kilometres of cycling/swimming/running it is, but I am quite sure it is a MAMMOTH event.
Check out Tyno's blog here http://tynogoals.blogspot.com/ and you can also follow his updates on twitter at TynoMitey
Can't wait to hear your results Tyno! What an inspiration you are to a total beginner like me!!
Thursday, 30 June 2011
Is this a Hicky or a Bruise?
At least that is what Katy Perry asked after her last Friday night out. Was it a hicky, or in fact, just a bruise?
Well this Katy was asking herself the same thing this Friday morning, but the markings in question were not from any kind of sordid alcohol induced risky business!! Rather, a rather tight pair of swimming goggles!
I really love swimming. I grew up at the beach and love the water. However, now living in a city, I am not always near the ocean, and plus, for me, all the waves make it more a place for recreational swimming, not calorie burning!!
7 years ago when I embarked upon a big fitness/lifestyle change, I unfortunately broke 3 toes only a few days into it. Rather than give up, I decided to go to the local council pool and do laps. This combined with my eating regime (remember, it was just 5 shakes a day at this time), and I continued to lose weight over the next few weeks until I could start putting a full body weight back on my foot.
This time though, I have no broken toes and I have been lucky to be able to do lots of different exercise - every morning on my exercise bike, kickboxing, body pump classes at the gym, and just this week, I have started to learn to run - more on that on a post coming soon!! I do however, still suffer some occasional knee pain as a reminder of several bad knee dislocations in the past, and have wanted to add some swimming back into my routine to burn calories, get the heart rate up, but take a bit of pressure off my poor little caps!
I researched around and found that the school a few minutes from my house has an 'open to the public' pool and gym, and much to my excitement, the pool is heated!! For those in the South Brisbane area, it is at Summerville House Girls School:
Tuesday night I went for my first session and did 20 laps (1km), and I noticed that every Tuesday night at 6pm they have one lane closed off for aqua aerobics. I even saw the ladies in the class using pool friendly hand weights at times. I think I will be trying this class next week (it is only $9 on top of the pool entry for a 1hr session!)
This morning I was pumped after my 60min bike session, and decided to back it up at the pool, to aim high and go for 40 laps. Every lap, I was just thinking of the next lap, and visualising how great I would feel when the 40 were done. I broke it down into little sessions in my head - lots of 5, lots of 10, 50% completed etc, and in between this I sang songs I had to learn to myself, I pictured myself in my 'before photos', and any number of other things to spur myself on. I wondered what those professional swimmers think about when they are doing hundreds of laps!
With just 5 laps to go, I realised my goggles were feeling rather tight over my ears, and started to really feel them sucking in on my eyes. It was almost the want to see how ridiculous my eyes looked that made me get through the last 5 laps faster than the other 35 I had just completed!
I got out of the water and had to literally peel the goggles off my face. The red rings were instantly noticeable, but underneath my eyes almost looked a bit green in the light. It had me wondering 'are the markings from the suction, or might these goggles have been so tight that I have actually slightly bruised my face?!' Walking to the car (yes I did drive there, sorry everybody!), I was feeling heavy as lead for a minute or 2, after the weightless feeling of being in the water, but I also felt stoked that I had set a goal for myself this morning and achieved it relatively easily. What's more, it was a great extra session to throw into the mix when joints are feeling a little sore, as there was no pressure on them. I will definitely be trying to keep up 2 pool sessions a week over the rest of the 12 Week Body Transformation program - and beyond.
Oh, and in case you are wondering, the songs I was learning in the pool are for a wedding I'm singing at tonight, and you will be pleased to know that my eye hickies have now disappeared.
Monday, 27 June 2011
Now I'm Inspired - Where Can I Put It??
Further to last night's blog about inspirational quotes, I would love to share a post from blog - SaveMumSanity. Now I am not a parent (unless you count the cats), but this is a wonderful blog about one woman's experiences as a working woman, first time Mum, homeowner, and all the other exciting things that come with being a woman in their mid 30's. I enjoy all the posts and love commenting on them - positive feedback is another way we can boost each other's confidence to keep going with what they are pursuing!!
Tonight SMS has posted about a diy project I have wanted to try for some time - an customised fabric covered inspiration board.At a time when I am pursuing something that seem trying and challenging, inspiration is what is going to keep me going!!
You might love the funky, yet calming tree design she has chosen, or perhaps chic black and white striped could be your thing. The options for your background fabric really are only limited by your imagination!
While some people would use this as a memo board, or a different twist on the traditional photo frames on the wall, I am thinking of tucking into each diamond segment, photos of myself when I was at my desired weight, inspirational quotes, inspirational images, my wedding date (as that is certainly something I am working hard to get slimmer for), and things relating to my exercise milestones - eg, my wristband from the 10k kayak even I did at the end of week 1. I am going to position this board somewhere prominent, so I can always see it to remind me of the journey I am taking. I'll add photos as I go along so I can see the benefits of sticking to the 12WBT. Once I completed my inspiration board, I will be sure to upload a picture.
So here is is - SaveMumSanity and the inspiration board.http://savemumsanity.com/2011/06/27/a-place-for-inspiration/#comment-1108
And while I am at it, I better practice what I preach. So thanks Bel @ SaveMumSanity for always believing in me and being a wonderful inspiration! You are pursuing your dreams, and I am really proud of you, plus you are GREAT at what you do x
Tonight SMS has posted about a diy project I have wanted to try for some time - an customised fabric covered inspiration board.At a time when I am pursuing something that seem trying and challenging, inspiration is what is going to keep me going!!
You might love the funky, yet calming tree design she has chosen, or perhaps chic black and white striped could be your thing. The options for your background fabric really are only limited by your imagination!
While some people would use this as a memo board, or a different twist on the traditional photo frames on the wall, I am thinking of tucking into each diamond segment, photos of myself when I was at my desired weight, inspirational quotes, inspirational images, my wedding date (as that is certainly something I am working hard to get slimmer for), and things relating to my exercise milestones - eg, my wristband from the 10k kayak even I did at the end of week 1. I am going to position this board somewhere prominent, so I can always see it to remind me of the journey I am taking. I'll add photos as I go along so I can see the benefits of sticking to the 12WBT. Once I completed my inspiration board, I will be sure to upload a picture.
So here is is - SaveMumSanity and the inspiration board.http://savemumsanity.com/2011/06/27/a-place-for-inspiration/#comment-1108
And while I am at it, I better practice what I preach. So thanks Bel @ SaveMumSanity for always believing in me and being a wonderful inspiration! You are pursuing your dreams, and I am really proud of you, plus you are GREAT at what you do x
Sunday, 26 June 2011
Tell everyone - You are Beautiful
I would like to share with you all a lovely little page I just saw on facebook. An opportunity to tag a friend, loved one or just someone you know, in a picture of a business card being pointed towards the viewer stating 'You Are Beautiful' (pass it on).
It got me thinking of positive mantras and how a few words can really inspire us in our daily lives. I will be keeping my eye out for more of these to share with you on the Return of the Mackie blog site. Be sure to let me know of any good ones you have seen!
It got me thinking of positive mantras and how a few words can really inspire us in our daily lives. I will be keeping my eye out for more of these to share with you on the Return of the Mackie blog site. Be sure to let me know of any good ones you have seen!
Saturday, 25 June 2011
Those Germans have done it again - discounted exercise equipment and clothing this week!!
Hi there!
Well, I can honestly say I have been to Aldi supermarket twice.
The first time it kind of creeped me out with it's ultra strange vibe inside. The second time it was a similar feeling, but I came out of there with some strange foreign crisps, some not so soft toilet paper and an unnecessary electrical kitchen item. I will say though, I have tried their melting moments - to DIE for, and about 2 months ago a slow cooker for $20 found it's way into our home - and it is fantastic!
I may need to make a 3rd trip in this Thursday, as this week's specials have some cracking offers on exercise clothing and equipment. Seeing as I have never really purchased things like kettle bells before, I am not sure how to compare the quality, but for $20 a set, I think they could be worth a look at least.
See the link below, and check out your latest Aldi store this Thursday, June 30th to score some of these great deals.
Well, I can honestly say I have been to Aldi supermarket twice.
The first time it kind of creeped me out with it's ultra strange vibe inside. The second time it was a similar feeling, but I came out of there with some strange foreign crisps, some not so soft toilet paper and an unnecessary electrical kitchen item. I will say though, I have tried their melting moments - to DIE for, and about 2 months ago a slow cooker for $20 found it's way into our home - and it is fantastic!
I may need to make a 3rd trip in this Thursday, as this week's specials have some cracking offers on exercise clothing and equipment. Seeing as I have never really purchased things like kettle bells before, I am not sure how to compare the quality, but for $20 a set, I think they could be worth a look at least.
See the link below, and check out your latest Aldi store this Thursday, June 30th to score some of these great deals.
A Return to What?
So, this is NOT the first time I have embarked upon losing weight.
Nooooo???? You don't say?!!
I mean really, which one of us has not tried to shed a few kilos at some point or another.
But this is not a few kilos I am talking about, I am talking about a LOT of kilos, a HUGE amount - at least 30, but in reality, closer to 40. Wow. That hurts just to think about. But I have done it before, and I know I can do it again. In fact I AM doing it again.
At 25, I decided I needed to seriously and drastically lose weight. No starving, no purging, no vibrating exercise machines, definitely no diet pills. Initially though, it was medically monitored meal replacement shakes. 5 a day, 800 calories in total, with an optional bowl of vegies at night if you wanted. It took just 8 days until I experienced my first, and only ever experience in life with extreme constipation. I guess that is what no real food will do to you!! Once I got over that (and for those wondering, it did take a few days to get things going again!!) I got into the swing of exercise, even after tripping and breaking 3 toes, and after 3 months of shakes food was slowly reintroduced. The major weight loss was out of the way, and it was time to learn to fend myself around real meat, fruit, vegies, and one of my favourites - carbs. I did fine, and eventually after 6 months came to lose about 30kg, which I maintained for a few years. Slowly but surely though as job and lifestlye changes, the weight crept back on - plus an extra 10kg. Well into the obese section of the BMI, my weight had for the first time skyrocketed into the 3 digit figures.
Until I decided to do something about it.
This time though, I am doing things differently. In January I looked at the Michelle Bridges 12 Week Body Transformation, and with my November wedding looming, I thought it looked good, but decided I could do it myself. WRONG!!!!! Of course I did nothing. No exercise, not much home cooking, and definitely not losing any weight. So I started for Round 2 2011, and six weeks in, I have already lost 11.1kg!! I am exercising every day, some days morning and night, I am eating cleanly - and deliciously, and finally this week I am actually starting to see and feel the differences in my whole body shape - not just my face in the mirror.
This blog is a space for me to share with you the everyday activity that is my life as a busy musician, manager of a homewares store, wedding planner (my own, which is in 5 months), but most importantly, to share my story of being just another overweight girl who can be even more than she is if she wasn't held back by 15 years of lazy behaviour and bad food choices. Who doesn't want to be the fat girl in her circle of friends anymore. Who can and will and IS already achieving more than she thought she could, just by making some different life choices, and yes, for now, putting in some damn hard work to get there. To return to me.
The return of Kate Mackie.
Nooooo???? You don't say?!!
I mean really, which one of us has not tried to shed a few kilos at some point or another.
But this is not a few kilos I am talking about, I am talking about a LOT of kilos, a HUGE amount - at least 30, but in reality, closer to 40. Wow. That hurts just to think about. But I have done it before, and I know I can do it again. In fact I AM doing it again.
At 25, I decided I needed to seriously and drastically lose weight. No starving, no purging, no vibrating exercise machines, definitely no diet pills. Initially though, it was medically monitored meal replacement shakes. 5 a day, 800 calories in total, with an optional bowl of vegies at night if you wanted. It took just 8 days until I experienced my first, and only ever experience in life with extreme constipation. I guess that is what no real food will do to you!! Once I got over that (and for those wondering, it did take a few days to get things going again!!) I got into the swing of exercise, even after tripping and breaking 3 toes, and after 3 months of shakes food was slowly reintroduced. The major weight loss was out of the way, and it was time to learn to fend myself around real meat, fruit, vegies, and one of my favourites - carbs. I did fine, and eventually after 6 months came to lose about 30kg, which I maintained for a few years. Slowly but surely though as job and lifestlye changes, the weight crept back on - plus an extra 10kg. Well into the obese section of the BMI, my weight had for the first time skyrocketed into the 3 digit figures.
Until I decided to do something about it.
This time though, I am doing things differently. In January I looked at the Michelle Bridges 12 Week Body Transformation, and with my November wedding looming, I thought it looked good, but decided I could do it myself. WRONG!!!!! Of course I did nothing. No exercise, not much home cooking, and definitely not losing any weight. So I started for Round 2 2011, and six weeks in, I have already lost 11.1kg!! I am exercising every day, some days morning and night, I am eating cleanly - and deliciously, and finally this week I am actually starting to see and feel the differences in my whole body shape - not just my face in the mirror.
This blog is a space for me to share with you the everyday activity that is my life as a busy musician, manager of a homewares store, wedding planner (my own, which is in 5 months), but most importantly, to share my story of being just another overweight girl who can be even more than she is if she wasn't held back by 15 years of lazy behaviour and bad food choices. Who doesn't want to be the fat girl in her circle of friends anymore. Who can and will and IS already achieving more than she thought she could, just by making some different life choices, and yes, for now, putting in some damn hard work to get there. To return to me.
The return of Kate Mackie.
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